I feel like comparing yourself to others is always a slippery slope, in pregnancy and beyond, I had to train myself out of it. Because there will always be someone leaner / with a smaller tummy, longer legs, etc. I found that I felt the most satisfied when I ignored the others and paid the most attention to my own progress. As you’re already working on yourself, take lots of photos / maybe measure your weight if that’s of importance to you, and keep an eye on your progress, I found it the most satisfying, and looking at others only set me back! You will get there, also 5 months is not a lot of time at all, be kind to yourself!!
You grew a human! It's called the pouch of love ❤️ some women take years to get their hormone levels back, it could be why you're feeling extra down. Maybe you could talk to someone?
Im the exact same! I put around 4 stone on while I was pregnant, had an 8lb 11oz baby (at 38 weeks) and my tummy just hangs now and I have loads of stretch marks. So thankful for my boy but feeling very low self esteem at the moment. I’ve decided as it’s new year to join the gym and lose some weight as I get married in 5 months 😩 try to be kind to yourself but I know it’s easier said than done. Your body has done an amazing thing 💕