I've been on it since mid April for postnatal depression and found that it's really helped me
I have been on a low dose for about 2 months for PPA/PPD. It seems to have helped but took a few weeks to notice a difference.
I have been on it in the past, I had major anxiety after an abusive ex and physically shook most of the time to the point I couldn’t walk with a cup of tea in my hand as it would all be on the floor! Started taking it and the shakes stopped and i began to feel normal again, I wouldn’t recommend drinking alcohol with it kind after one drink it felt like a bottle 😅
It does help a lot but the first week or 2 do make you actually feel a bit worse so just power through that part. Its worth it x
@Chloe ahh the doctors prescribed it to me this morning and sent me some places for some CBT. My auntie and uncle are both on it and said they’re getting on really well with it but it makes it worse before it gets better for the first 2-3 weeks
@Megan sorry you had to go through that, I had a mentally abusive ex and it was awful. Deciding to start it tomorrow because I’m drinking tonight n thought it might not be the best idea😂
@Yvonne that’s what my doctor and a few family members told me too. Did it make you really tired I’m thinking about taking it at night until my body gets used to it because I don’t want to be falling asleep while looking after my baby
Yeah the first couple weeks aren’t fun but it does get all of a sudden so much clearer. I’d recommend taking it early to be honest because i used to take it in the evening and it would keep me up at night! Then my doctor recommended taking it earlier and now im able to sleep better. It doesn’t make me tired to be honest!
You can drink alcohol with sertraline its on the nhs website. But it's not recommended until you see how it the medicine affects you. https://www.nhs.uk/medicines/sertraline/common-questions-about-sertraline/
I've been on it and cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety for about 3 months now, I can say both together have helped. I've lost a bit of weight on it , things day to day are more manageable for me anxiety wise for sure. I can rationalise more which is great .Its not a magic fix though it made me feel more anxious for a couple weeks and a bit sick for a week or so but it's worth it. I chose it as a friend of mine said it had helped her alot. Like you said everyone has different experiences but mine has been positive mostly so far!x