You find your feet eventually my bereavement midwife said people normally feel a bit better after 6 weeks but it can take alot more time and you still carry it forever, here if you need it x
Oh I’m so sorry. I think you just need to grieve for as long as you feel you need to initially. As the days pass, the feelings will become more familiar and a little less extreme, albeit still painful. I’m sure your partner is probably trying to make this awful situation “make sense” in his head. I think it’s a sometimes a little more unknown territory for males during early pregnancy. Whereas we’re in the thick of it. Thoughts are with you x
You only found out TODAY, so there shouldn’t be any pressure to feel like you need to move on or brush yourself off. Right now, it feels impossible to be normal about what has happened - it’s a grief. It’s something that will never really leave you. But you will learn to make it a part of you. It just takes time. Time that the people in your life should be giving you.
I dont think its something you ever truly get over it just becomes apart of life unfortunately, i miscarried in June earlier this year at 16 weeks 6 days after trying to conceive for over 10 years he was a very much wanted and loved baby it breaks my heart every single day All the occasions like due dates, Christmas, new years he should of been here with us celebrating but he isn’t and it brings me to tears and i think ill always be like that for every special occasion Family members who knew about my loss are going about their lives while i still grieve the life we should of had Take as much time as you need we all grieve in different ways, i know its quite an emasculating thing for men to acknowledge their feelings and emotions explain your feelings to him as best as you can if you still don’t feel like you get the support you need please reach out to your GP and request to speak with a bereavement team you shouldn’t be forced to push it aside just because thats your partners way
thank you for all the support, I do get consulling because I had really bad PPD, I will just take it day by day xx
I've had six miscarriages my sixth one was last year + weeks later I found out I was pregnant with my little boy. I am here if you need to talk xx
I miscarried on Christmas Eve, I cried my eyes out after all the professionals saw me and because no one knew I was pregnant yet, I was able to enjoy my Christmas Day before I broke the news to our parents and siblings on the 26th. I have cried every now and then but I find talking about it helps a lot. I have been resting to heal my body and mind.