I completely get this. I was the exact same before I had my daughter. I also cried for weeks if not months after she was here because I was so concerned that I wasn’t good enough for her and that she deserved so much more than me. I still worry about it to this day. I will say that worry never goes away but the best piece of advice I’ve got is that only good parents actually worry about these things and only parents that are really doing their best will find parenting hard because for that, you have to actually care about your child/children. Ask for help when you need it and never be ashamed for asking for that help. Don’t try to do everything yourself as you can’t pour from an empty cup. Going into having my second I’m also worried but it brings slightly different worry’s along with the initial ones. You got this mumma 💗
Thank you both for sharing! I really appreciate it 😊
I doubt there are any mums who aren't nervous 😅 it's a massive life change but it's amazing. It's a cliche but really the best advice I can give is take each day/week as it comes and try not to get overwhelmed by the big picture. Little achievements will make you feel more and more confident, like leaving the house for the first time to go for a walk, or remembering everything in your nappy bag haha. At some point it gets easier you start feeling better. Just be very kind to yourself, allow time to heal and rest, protect your space from negative people and most of all, just enjoy the moments with your little one 🌸. It's a really hard journey but an absolutely amazing one 🤗
Thank you so much @Chloe 😊
FTM so no advice on it as i feel the same as you, however just talking to my partner about these feelings today has helped just by voicing them out loud and having someone else know how i’m feeling. It doesn’t change anything but i feel like at least someone knows i may need support or that i have these worries, and also being honest with myself that my mental health perhaps isn’t great today and may need to keep an eye on it when baby is here/be open to ask for help etc. I also think it’s normal though to feel that way and probably shows what a good mum you are for caring.