
I know it sounds crazy but I think our 10 week old is possibly teething? He’s been drooling and biting his hand a lot over the last couple of days and putting his tongue against his bottom gum and crying a lot. I can’t really see there as every time I try to feel with my finger or have a look he cries. Is anyone else going through this?
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Yes! Mine is about to be 12 weeks but has been gnawing for the last two weeks now. He doesn’t seem to have anything coming through but I’m pretty sure it must be that - when he grabs my hand to chew it he’s using his gums pretty hard! I’ve just ordered some mits for him which I’m hoping he’ll like 🤞

Our 9 week old has definitely been teething about a week now. Constant dribbling and biting.

Yes, my daughters been like this since 8/9 weeks she’s 12 weeks now xx

Mines doing the same 12 weeks, I think it’s developmental. My pediatrician said they don’t usually start teething until about 6 months.. but you never know! All babies are different

My son is 12 weeks , keeps putting hand to mouth, even after a good feed and dribbling! X

Same with my son at 11 weeks. I thought it was due to development, finding their hands and mouths, exploration etc

Dribbling, chewing and bringing hands to mouth is a normal developmental stage at this age. They're just learning that their hands are attached to their arms and they have control over them! This is normally the age thumb suckers start, as they figure out how to reach and get their thumb in, and sucking provides comfort. Others just gnaw their fist for a while. Whilst it could be teething, it's not likely at this age, as you can see from all the these comments with people's babies doing the same, it's just the stage they're at. I highly doubt all these babies are teething far earlier than average!

My boy is doing the same. The HV said it was more sensory and how they learn and defo too young to be teething atm. Unless you can see or feel teeth? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I bought my baby some nuby mits that he loves chomping on x

My Son is 3 months today and lots of the same dribbling, irritable, biting down everything in mouth and hard gums but no sign of white where his teeth would be. But babies do do this at this age for sensory and because they’ve finally realized what their hands can do 😅 Saying all that my second sons first two teeth came through at only 4 months so it can happen some babies are born with teeth 🙈 try having some chilled teething toys for baby to play with☺️Xx

My little girl is 11 weeks old today and she’s got her little teeth coming threw at the bottom she has been teething from about 9 weeks and they’ve only just popped threw the gums now x

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