Mine does one step and falls in her butt so not quite yet. I’ve heard most usually start walking at 13 months
My son is one on the 10th and he's not even trying yet. He won't stand without support. When he does it's not even for a second, he just slowly kneels to the ground. However he walks with his walker
@Isabelle my oldest was the same way!
My son is one on the 27th and he doesn't even try to walk without something to hold onto. He likes to bounce and try to jump when he's standing, but I have not seen an effort to walk. He does cruise furniture so that's good lol. My oldest didn't walk until 13M
My daughter turns 1 tomorrow and is walking. She started trying at like 9 months and took a few steps unassisted at 10/11 months now she just walks everywhere lol but she has a 2 year old brother and a 6 year old brother to keep up with lol my first didn't walk till after 1 my second right at one he took some steps not like her though. Miss independent over here lol