How early did ya’ll start potty training? Also looking for tips? Please 😊

My son is walking and down to one nap a day. He takes to things easily and is so smart. He has a tell-tell sign when he’s about to 💩. I’m not saying it’ll be easy but I have the urge to start potty training.
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The earlier the better! if you think he’s already showing signs he’d be ready then go for it! It’s actually been shown to hinder their progress and actual physical ability to toilet independently when parents wait too long to start - It’s worrying nowadays how many kids are potty trained so late! (without SEN reasoning of course) so sooner rather than later 100% ❤️

we personally started at 7months! But our expectations were very different from what most think of when ya say “potty training” Our main focus was on familiarizing with the bathroom and what it’s used for, our behavior in it, sitting on the toilet in general. But we of course knew it was on us to get him to the toilet, not really on him to communicate anything about it to us yet. And he has no issue at least trying to pee anytime ya place him on the toilet LOL so it was not for not even if we still haven’t fully buckled down into ‘real’ potty training

I introduced a potty at around 12 months! Just in the bathroom as she enjoyed coming into the loo with me. She started weeing on it around 14 months and was fully potty trained by 2.5 as pooing on the potty took a bit longer

Do it!! My baby successfully pooped in potty from 7-12m but that was in lockdown - we had nowhere to go and I could fully focus on his cues. When Covid opened back up and we started going out again I put him in diapers again but it was possible, people do it under 1 called Elimination communication not really potty training. But we really started at 2y3m and he got daytime in a weekend and nights a week later. As a baby he goes red, freezes, and starts grunting so his cues were very obvious that’s when I ripped his diaper off and he finished it potty

I have the book, "OH Crap! It's Potty Training," and she said you can start as early as 2 years and it's easier thr sooner you start. I started at 3 and he's now finally got it down

In my country we start as early as possible 😊 it's not the norm to see 3 year olds in nappies/diapers.

I did at just shy of 3 years old and she pretty much mastered it in a week, defo by 2! Absolutely do whatever works for you but I’m thrilled it wasn’t dragged out for months and months 😅

At 25 months using the Oh Crap! method. He was fully trained for daytimes within 10 days and then 2 months later he decided he wanted to sleep totally naked. He only ever had 3 accidents at night. BUT… you need to understand that how quickly they get potty trained has NOTHING to do with their intelligence. It’s a massive developmental change for them.

I introduced potty at 12 mo and if we have a lot of time at home I can get him to wee up to 6 times on it a day now at 14 mo but I wouldn't remove nappies until after 18 mo. Look at the Eric website. If you remove nappies earlier than 18 mo you will need to do the elimination communication method and I don't think you can expect a child under 2 to recognise when they need to go snd to either tell you or go to potty, you would need to figure out how long he can hold it and actually take him to potty every 45min or so or however long you think he can hold it. If that's fine for you then go for it! It does sometimes take a lot of my time but it's worth it to teach him how to use the potty and what it feels like. Poop is going to take longer as he has no obvious clue beyond sometimes going to hide (but not always) or a big fart.hes so interested though and always loves pouring the wee in the toilet and flushing and often loves the handwashing.

I’m started at a year old, but we’re taking it slow because he doesn’t walk yet and I find it kinda pointless to potty train and he can’t even get there on his own lol. He has an idea of the bathroom though.

It all depends on you, your baby and your routine. My daughter was ready and my husband decided one random evening that it was time to start potty training her. She was 2years and 6months. She learned so quickly but then again I knew she was ready but I couldn’t do it without my husband being on board due to our routine.

We introduced potty as soon as my son was lifting himself to stand with little to no support at 10 months. He then successfully and consistently was doing number 2 in the potty but still was not ready to drop nappies for wee until he turned 2. It was still a huge relief, changing him was quick wo no gross poop nappies 😅

Nothing wrong with putting him on asap. I was doing this since he could sit (like 6 months). It’s not an expectation for him to be potty trained NOW, more just to get him used to it and not be frightened. I can tell when my son is pooping so I put him on and repeat potty and poop. He’s 14 months now so I’m hoping I’ve set foundation for proper potty training in a few months (if he’s ready)

9 months

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