What would you do?

So for the past two years I have lived with my brother who has autism. ( he isn't high on the spectrum so he can still do basic everyday things.) I can't get him to help out around the house and when I ask it is always a massive fight. He has a temper to the point we have holes in our wall because he has punched or thrown things at it. We live in a housing house and being the main tennet I will be the one in trouble for any damages. A few days ago my partner and him got into an argument and the police got involved. My foster mother( the person who looked after us pretty much our whole lives) keeps using his disability as an excuse. I now have a child who is caught up in the middle of all his outburst and has almost been hit by things he has thrown around the house. I have the decision to remove my brother from the house but when that happens I will be cut off from everyone in my family. I know removing him will make home a better/safer situation for me and my son but I don't know if I could handle loosing everyone.
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I'm sorry to hear 💔 it's a hard situation but yes you are definitely doing what is best . Do you really think all your family will cut you off ? If they cut you off for this reason I guess they are people that you don't need in your life anyway 🤷‍♀️ you have very good reasons to remove him from your home ..

@Eve unfortunately I do believe they will. I can only see one sister not cutting me off because she can see he is in the wrong. I'm just so conflicted but I know removing him from the home is what is best for my family. My son is now the most important thing.

Do your brother work? Can you assist him with finding housing? For instance government housing or speak to a family that doesn’t have a child, that has space.The pressure shouldn’t be on only you my love and still get judge if you opt out of helping when no one else has stepped up to the plate.

In the Uk the police would automatically let social services know as there is a child in the house. Would this happen where you are? Could you "blame" them for having to ask your brother to leave?

@ShinaHe doesn't work and he has lost all motivation to even try because he hasn't been successfull. I'm happy to help him find somewhere else. But he can't live on his own as he wont do any cleaning or pay any bills. Unfortunately we Dont have anyone without kids that would have space.

@Samantha im the one that wants him to leave and has to tell him to leave but I know by doing that I'll loose all my family

You know, quite frankly, that’s not your problem. You have a child of your own to be worried about. If your family is concerned about him, one of them must take him in. It may sound harsh but you have to do what’s best for your family before something worse happens.

@Stacey aww man that sucks. How old is he? If you get him an apartment can’t he get a home aid to help around the house? This sucks. I am so sorry.

@Kish I read your response and was okay Gemini we hear you as a joke and went on your profile and seen you were really a Gemini 😂

@Shina 😬😂😂

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