There’s mommy programs out there where they let you bring your baby and you can get therapy too. I did that for a few weeks. It helps. They have a nursery where the baby stays while you get group therapy. That way you will spend time with baby and get better! You can try a website called Postpartum support international and they will help you find help confidentially. Where ever you are. They helped me a lot through two pregnancies. They helped me find a hospital that takes my insurance and has Obgyn doctors that were specialized with complicated conditions. They will help you! Trust me. They got me into the motherhood program that I told you about at the beginning. Good luck!
I think these two moms nailed it! I have postpartum depression and it didn’t start until about 6 months after I had my daughter. It’s perfectly okay to not feel okay I’m glad you have taken the biggest step which is seeing the change in yourself. Please go talk to your doctor the best medicine I have found is Prozac or Celexa it really helps just take the edge off and helped bring me back to reality❤️ much love and support🫶
You can always message me! I will be there for you! ❤️ I know how depression goes and I could support you!
@Libby @Kitty @Layla Caron @Analynn thank you guys for such kind words, I seriously appreciate you all and the support!! I’m definitely gona look into getting help from my doctor.
Go and talk to your dr please. I had postnatal depression, it can happen at anytime not just after birth, it doesn't mean your a bad mum, it doesn't mean your a bad person. Everything is just getting on top of you with all the change, which is normal and understandable. Make some you time, something you once enjoyed doing, take a long bath, read a book, go for a walk on your own even of its just down the street ( if you have someone that can watch baby) go and have your hair done, some YOU time. Babies pick up on everything so you are right she will know. If you need to talk you can always inbox / message me, sometimes talking to a stranger can help! But deffinately go talk to your doctor. You are enough and you are not alone. X