@Mackenzie thank you so much 💕🫶🏻
Completely agree pp anxiety is not talked about enough. I had a difficult pregnancy including an admission for preterm labour and ultimately giving birth at 36 weeks after having 3 miscarriages. It took a while for my anxiety to go down and it only happened after she started getting older but it’s not completely gone.
@Nikki you are so strong thank you for replying to my post I had a difficult pregnancy and during my induction with her I got woken up and told her heart stopped and during the process of labour for 20 hours she came out with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck twice and I just don’t know if it was that scare plus how difficult my pregnancy was but I feel so sleep deprived and paranoid of something happening to her I just want to sleep but I’m worried I’ll wake up to something bad or just not wake up to her cry’s
postpartum paranoia and anxiety is absolutely a thing. i’d speak to your ob about it so they can help! good luck mama, and congratulations 🫶