Preggo rant 😭 husband basically called me fat

So we were watching Squid Game season 2 (no spoilers in this post, also please don't comment any spoilers) and there's a pregnant character that was on screen, and she's supposed to be 6-7 months pregnant, but she doesn't have an obvious bump. My husband kept saying "there's no way she's pregnant" and "they can't really expect us to believe she's pregnant, right?" and just kept making comments about how she didn't look pregnant. I'm 20 weeks now, and my bump is smaller than it was with my last pregnancy surprisingly, and depending on what I'm wearing, I don't feel like I look super pregnant yet. So I decided to say, "I mean, I'm 5 months, and she's 6 months. Not everyone gets a huge bump right away." Then my husband said something along the lines of: "yeah, but she's petite." I just blankly stared at him, and he tried to back track (and failed) by saying "I just feel like a bump would be more obvious on someone petite." Mind you, I'm 5'4 and again, *barely showing* compared to my last pregnancy. He kept digging himself deeper, and eventually I literally said "go ahead, keep talking!" and our NYE guests laughed. Everybody knew he was in the doghouse. I laughed it off in the moment, but now it's 4:30am and I'm still thinking about it. I had to cut my hair really short due to postpartum hair loss, and he keeps making little comments about how he misses my long hair, saying how my long hair blew him away. Now I'm bloated, pregnant, and have an awful haircut. I'm the most insecure I've ever been about my body in my adult life. I literally told him the other day that commenting on my hair (that I had to cut for literally medical reasons) is just as bad as commenting on my body/weight (which he never has done in the past) and then what does he do?! Comments on my body/weight. I want to f*cking scream!!!!
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😞😞😞 men can be stupid. Your hair will grow back. Try to find little ways to feel confident for *you*. Be that b*tch. Be sassy. Wear a lipstick. Become as magnetic as you can. Ignore him. Telling him won’t do a thing, in my humble experience. So dumb.

Ugh, I’m so sorry! I’ve explained to my husband that I feel SO insecure since becoming pregnant (this is our first pregnancy) because I feel like people can’t tell if I’m fat or pregnant because I’m already overweight. He’s been so kind and reassuring, but it helps me feel good when I do my makeup and put on a cute outfit! External validation is nice, but try getting cute for yourself and see how it makes you feel!

omg you ARE petite though🥲 i’m sorry girl i’m sure he didn’t MEAN it that way. Men are just STUPID. It doesn’t hurt to bring up how some of these things that he says hurts you. And it doesn’t help that you are pregnant and that you are dealing with some extra hormones that might make you a little more emotional about certain things.

I know it’s an anonymous post, but I’m sure you’re beautiful and as your man, he should remind you of how beautiful you are regardless of those things. Because I’m sure you would do the same for him if the circumstances were flipped and he gained a bunch of weight or he cut his hair

They don’t really know how to feel like we feel remember he’s a man and we are women so they say stupid stuff I don’t think they really know how hurtful it can be especially since our hormones are raging

Thank you guys, we had a long talk about it and he realizes how big of a fuck up it was to compare me to a literal k-pop model while I'm pregnant 😭 he's not mean just oblivious I promise.

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