I went to my GP who made a referral to the perinatal team, they contacted me within 3 days and came round to have a chat and then referred me on to other services x
You can self refer without GP https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/talking-therapies-medicine-treatments/talking-therapies-and-counselling/nhs-talking-therapies/ Page above has the links and more info.
I'm not sure if I have PPD, I have all the symptoms of it but my situation is a bit complex as I lost one of my twin boys 2 weeks before birth so it's quite normal for me to feel how I do so it's difficult to get a diagnosis for that reason. I went to the GP after having a mental breakdown in August. They sent me away with antidepressants and sleeping tablets even though I asked for therapy, they said the waitlist is too long. I really didn't want to take anti depressants so my partner paid for me to have private therapy sessions. It helped a little but I was still stuck with this empty hopeless feeling. I had such awful postpartum rage, I'm not usually an angry person but it really wasn't taking much for me to lose it. I had a bad weekend and decided fuck it I'm taking the antidepressants. I wish I'd taken them sooner. That hopeless, sad and anger has gone and the constant brain fog has lifted. I'd definitely make an appointment to see your Dr. I wish I'd done it a lot sooner instead xx