Offer 7oz every two-three hours whenever he wants it. Sometimes has all 7 sometimes only 4🤦🏽♀️ he is 16lb and 3.5 months x
We offer 6oz every 2-3 hours and let her have what she wants of it xx
7oz every 3 hours unless he wants a feed earlier, it can be 2 hours and he’s ready for the next bottle. Sometimes drinks everything, sometimes can leave 2/3 oz. Mines 3.5 months and just over 16lb
I make 8oz bottles for my little boy and he probably has one every 2.5 hours and that’s hungry baby milk too 😂 he’s a big boy though weighs 16lb 8oz and is 4 months in a few days. Sometimes he drinks the full 8oz, sometimes he leaves a couple oz in the bottle x
Overall in 24hrs he has 20-27oz. He eats less in the mornings and can only take 2-3oz then in afternoons he often has 5-6oz. 6 bottles a day currently as he still wakes for a small night feed
Mummy, why are you trying to stretch it? Babies are funny. Sometimes my daughter wants 4oz every 2 to 3 hours. Other days, she drinks 6oz spread out across the day (with breastfeeding). Give her what she wants.