Toilet training 🤯

My three year old boy is fully potty trained, my 5 year old son.... he will only poo in a nappy I feel like I've tried everything apart from refusing him a nappy. I don't want to refuse and him hold it and end up with tummy troubles but I don't know what else I can do???
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My son who’s 5 very soon really struggles with bowels - under paediatrics & it’s taken years to get him out of pull ups but in all honesty the best thing is to fully remove them. The school have allowed us to provide toilet seats to help him feel more comfortable but it’s been a long process and he’s still sometimes wanting to use a potty if going through a bad patch and during the night! Have you tried blowing bubbles on toilet? Sitting backwards and using wipeable markers to draw on lid to make it fun ? We had to really bribe him with reward chart and treats too. If he’s pretty regular & no medical issues going on I wouldn’t worry about him holding it for a little while he will eventually go. Hope you find something that works for you and what you’re comfortable with! it took me ages to be cruel to be kind - school kids are mean and I didn’t want him being picked on Xx

My little girl went through this when we potty trained she was almost 4 by the time we got there for both wees and poos . She did so well going for a wee bit wouldn't poo she was really scared I'm not sure why but she did it once on the toilet and then she would scream and hold it in and literally run around crying her tummy was hurting. In the end we told her to go in the nappy but even that caused her anxiety I was literally about to go the doctors because I couldn't take the constant screaming and was worried she had a problem before I googled it and someone suggested prune juice it literally makes them poo and when she needed to poo in that moment I put her on the toilet and she did it I give her a sticker and since then she's been absolutely fine ! So maybe worth a try x

Just wanna say I'm sorry and don't worry too much it'll be okay in the end I promise it seemed the worse thing at the world at the time but it'll pass x

It's a fear to poo in the potty... Have you tried a toilet seat? A reward chart that if he poos in the toilet for a week then he will get a day out or a toy of his choice or whatever? My daughter poo withheld... It was hard but I refused to put a nappy back on her (she wouldn't poo in it anyway) but after Dr's gave us movicol to help her plus started noticing signs when she was withholding and getting her to the toilet in time she eventually just started going to the toilet... Its now been 4 months and she doesn't hold and just goes now she knows there is no fear to be had and it doesn't hurt... Good luck 🤞

I think you need to seek professional advice on this one as it's gone on for so long. But I'd imagine the first step is going to be to take away the nappies.

My son is the same way xx

My son is the same nothing has worked and taking away the nappies just makes it much worse x

Make the toilet into a friendly poop monster who needs 'feeding' x

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