@Kyla sounds like you have an overachiever! That's awesome. You'll be busy chasing him in no time. My understanding is that rolling is one of the firsts along with reaching. I'm also a FTM
@Amanda oh wow okay i thought sitting up was that’s what he started doing first. and thank you! i’d be running behind him out of breath 😩 im also 2 months pregnant lol
@Kyla Oh, I see. I could be wrong. My little lady hasn't done anything but I'm not training her. You're already 2 months pregnant again? Holy moly batman! We've started trying again.
yes it says i’ll be due august 1st but i think it’ll be july im excited. i wasn’t really trying but im glad as i wanted irish twins
Wow you go girl! @Kyla
This made me feel sooo much better, my LO has only rolled over twice and refuses to do it again, I was afraid he was behind😅
@Julianna Good! I'm glad this helped you. It's for information.
My son has been rolling from back to tummy for a while, but he cant quite figure out how to get from tummy to back yet. He attempts, but his arm always gets in his way. If i sit him up, half the time, he will support himself and the lther half the time he just tumbles over. For those saying baby sits up, do you mean from a laying position they sit themselves up without help or support? Just wondering as i feel we are far off from that!
My baby doesn’t roll. She can sit herself up and pull herself to stand she’ll then let go and stand for about 30-45 seconds before she sits down but I’m trying not to let her stand often as don’t want it to cause bowed legs or anything
Almost 5 months and rolling from tummy to back. Not even close to sitting yet. I’m waiting for him to roll the other way now
Only 3 days after this post and my baby now rolls one way. It all happens on their own time.
@Amanda awww yayyy! ❤️
My guy just rolled today!
is rolling the only milestone they should have at 4 months? or is it the first one? i’m a ftm just asking. my baby sits up plays with his toes, he knows how to crawl over his boppy, im doing crawling exercises with him, he’s been holding his head up since 2 months. he holds his bottle and knows how to put the sooon in his mouth with food.