my baby doesn't seem bothered about milk in the day.

I see everyone on here saying their baby has 7 oz every milk feed but my baby won't drink that much! he's only been having 5/6 oz sometimes only 4 or 4 and a half. I offer more but he doesn't want it. what should I do? he has 3 meals a day and snacks.
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Following as mine is the same x

Our little girl never drinks more than 6 during the day. It’s usually around 4-5 per feed x

How many oz are yours having in 24hrs?

@Becci To be honest we don’t track but we’re thinking we may start tracking again. She’ll have roughly 6 bottles a day (including night feeds) though x

LO are supposed to be having at least 21oz within 24 hours because until they are 1 they get main nutrients from formula or breast milk so if they aren't hitting 21 I would maybe pull back on one of the solids, my LO is the same her first and last bottle will drain 8oz but the 2 she has in between only ever has 4oz sometimes more

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