@Emily 6 months x
I sometimes struggle to self soothe 😂 he’s a tiny baby! I used to worry about sleep soooo much with my first as she was low sleep needs (still is 🙄) and everyone was telling me I was doing it all wrong. I felt much better when I discovered Lyndsey Hookway (Feed Sleep Bond) and she has lots of content on normal infant sleep. We bed shared, then moved to a floor bed for naps and the start of the night (didn’t even know they were a thing before Lyndsey!), and then she started sleeping through in her own bed 🙌🏻 but, this was from about 2 years old. She’s now 4 and goes to sleep on her own and usually without issue. We have to wake her most the time! I know part of it is luck and down to the temperament of the child, but it does feel like the effort we put in with allowing her to be close as much as she wanted is now paying off. We still tell her she can come for cuddles if she needs to. This all seemed instinctive to me, once I’d stopped listening to people around me! ❤️
How old is he?