Epidural injury

*trigger warning, dont read if you may be scared y answers to this. Has anyone had a short-term or long-standing injury after an epidural was used during child birth, such as long term back pain etc?
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Thankfully short term I had a dural puncture which caused absolutely terrible headaches, like couldn't get up. But went back into hospital and they fixed it with a blood patch.

I had the spinal block (for planned c section) I didn’t have any pain afterwards but I did get these random shooting pains that lasted for a second if I bent over too quickly, it didn’t happen all the time just every now and again but i dont get them anymore, id say i experienced them randomly on and off for a couple months but no issues other than that, but it wasn’t something that really bothered me too much during that time

Nope no problems at all. My nurses suggested I get my Epi a few hours early (considering how dilated I was) bc the anesthesiologist on shift was the BEST in their hospital and his shift was ending soon. I had them send him right in. He gave me the shot, didn’t really hurt, I threw up (drugs were hitting hard 😂) and then took the last 4hr uninterrupted nap of my life lol. 10/10 highly recommend asking your nurses who they think is the best!

I have a bad back anyway so honestly don’t think I’d of noticed if it had, but it definitely affected my eye sight! I have an eye test Monday and worried they’ll tell me I shouldn’t be on the road 🙃🤣

I know a few people that have long term back pain now on and off after having one. I've suffered with my back for years so avoided during my first labour and hoping I'll be able to do the same with my second 🤞🏻

I second what @Kirsty said

I have pain in my back after having my little boy. The irony is that after the epidural I had a GA as everything went horrifically wrong. Mine is definitely long term as he's nearly 5 years old.

I had sciatica before my epidural and the first epidural I had he did wrong and had to call his senior to take it out and correct it. It didn't hurt me at all, and I had no problem that it needed to be corrected but I have noticed my back pain has gotten worse to the point sometimes I can't pick up my toddler if she want me too hold her (although I soldier through it because I feel awful telling her no)

Sometimes I get epidural pain flashbacks when I arch my back. But I honestly think my back pain is a result of carrying around a 6 month old morning noon and night!

Short term- a few weeks following birth my tailbone would go completely numb every time I sat down. And I would, every now and then, have shooting pain down my left side when I bent over. It went away thankfully! Idk if that was epidural or from having back labor though

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