@CeeCee what formula are you on, just the same as when they were little? We tried stage 2 I think it was but found she was quite sickly on it. Never had a problem with normal formula x
Yeah Ive just stuck with aptamil 1, just figured it was one less change for her to be dealing with!
Are you looking to move away from overnight milk? It's helped our sleep alot! I've only offered water overnight for a few weeks now and I'm finally getting very minimal wakes just to pop the dummy back in! She was waking every few hours out of habit for milk previously xx
@Paris I didn’t mind her having milk but I do think it’s out of habit as she’s eating really well during the day. Did you find when you offered her water, that she kicked off for a few days? X
Not at all! She didn't bat an eyelid, I started off doing her dream feed with warm kettle water so it wasn't warm milk straight to cold water and now if she wakes and really needs a drink to settle I just have a bottle of water by the bed ready xx
My boy still wakes overnight and has 7oz formula then goes straight back to sleep. I only use formula overnight as I have a prep machine in his room to save me going downstairs to the fridge. In the day he just had one bottle of cows milk before bed. I think he’s waking due to hunger as the times massively differ each night. My health visitor said I should try and settle him without milk, but with being back at work it’s the quickest way to get us both back to bed 😫
Mine still wakes usually once a night but if shes thirsty I only give her water, no milk unless shes ill or something like that. During the day I am still using formula as we had been transitioning to cows milk but her stomach wasnt handling it well and she was really constipated so I swapped the two bottles back to formula and will probably try again gradually but think it will be easier when she drops the bottles for just a small cup of milk with meals. Ive heard they shouldnt have as much cows milk as they would have had with formula, around 16oz max