^ I agree you should go and get checked out. But I didn’t feel any movement properly until 20/21 weeks, I’m 22 now and feel lots of kicks. But I generally didn’t feel much of anything at all until then and his movements weren’t scheduled like they are now. But definitely go and get checked if it’s something that’s freaking you out!!
It's very normal to not feel much at this stage of pregnancy, as baby is still so small so has loads of room! I also had an anterior placenta, and didn't feel regular movement until around 25 weeks ish
Thanks everyone. I called my midwife team, they said have something cold and sweet and lay on my side for a while. See what happens. One or two movements in an hour is perfectly fine for feeling at this stage because baby is so small. So I did this, and got two bubble pops (about 40 mins after the drink) so I'm going in tomorrow rather than today to be checked over and whatnot. Thanks guys. Appreciate you reading and offering advice x
I don’t know much about it but honestly I’d go to the doctor regardless just to be safe and to have your questions/concerns addressed by a professional I read up on a lot of things such as people experiencing the same thing but their outcome is different. simply put everyone’s body is different What might be normal for one person may not be the same case for another. Even if everyone/web says it’s normal if your genuinely concerned go get checked out! Being anxious probably isn’t gonna help the situation so if you go and everything is fine (which I’m sure it will be because positive energy is everything!)at least you know you can rest easy !