Potty training

Hi! Has anyone started potty training yet and has any advice or tips? Thanks 😊
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Hiya! With my little one we keep her naked/in pants at home and she uses her potty religiously. We got one of the potty’s that looks like a toilet, it has its own little flush sound effects which so loves so I think that helps too. Just trying to start more as we go out during the day, but struggling with the weather being crap xx

My daughter is potty trained fully now night and day! She’s had 1 accident in a month and asks to go! My biggest advice is when there is resistance and they hold it push through! I wanted to give up she would hold it all and all night it used to make me so upset but by day 4 she was going all the time so happy! I’m also so glad I went for overnight straight away as with the resistance I think she would have just waited till I put a nappy on to go! She learnt quickly she had no choice and so cracked it quickly but every child is so different and overnight is super super hard so young! I also did the 3 day method which worked really well for her :) which I’d say look into! Just have to be super positive no matter what and don’t give up 😁

I'm just doing it very gradually, similar to Kennedy. I bought him a potty, put it in the living room and every time he sat on it I gave him encouragement and praise, sometimes a sticker. He grew to like his potty over months and I would encourage him to sit on it longer and longer by playing with him, reading books or letting him watch TV. Slowly I introduced him to pants and told him about how only babies wear nappies etc. I read him potty books like no more nappies etc so he understands why. More and more he would wee and poo in the potty by himself. For wee, he didn't seem to notice it much even after a year of introducing the potty ( he started to holds his poo after about six-nine months) so I let him wear pants or be naked at home, after only a few times, he seem to notice it more and now he holds his wee until we get home go to the potty. I just did it very slowly, he still wears a nappy when he is out but it's often dry when we take it off. He is not night trained yet though...

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