They're used to it!! They've helped to potty train HUNDREDS of children, yours definitely won't be the first. They know what to do and how to do it, so don't worry! 😊 Let them know he's potty training and send them with plenty of changes of clothes and pants! He's likely to have a few more accidents at nursery than home, as there are of course more children to keep an eye on/toilet cues and nursery is TOOOOO much fun to break play to go to the toilet. But he will get there x
Thank you that was my mistake he will resume nursery after the Xmas break , but will definitely speak to teachers to let them know, I just don’t want all the work we have done to reach this point will be lost so I will be sending him in underwear and see what happens , my luck is that he knows the teachers already so hopefully all will go well
Just tell nursery what you've been doing and they will follow a similar approach. My daughter went to nursery on day 4 of potty training and it was fine!
He’ll be fine! Nursery are really good at asking when they need to go etc. They help all kids go through this transition. We had to make sure our daughter was wearing leggings or tights at nursery, both for the sake of privacy/safety and minimising mess purposes. Then we introduced pants when she was ready for them (did oh crap method).
The fact he knows them will definitely help. My daughter has gone back in today so we'll see how that goes :)
I work in a nursery. They should mirror exactly what you have been doing xx
Been doing the same thing with my little girl, she done great all week definitely sending her to nursery in pants. No going back now.
Just let them know how you've been approaching it. Maybe ask them for info on where the toilets/potties are so you can talk to him about it before he starts. Expect there will be accidents at nursery cos it's something new (you said started so that's what I assume) and continue what you are doing at home. Also send lots of spare clothes. My daughter is back at nursery today after the holidays. She's on day 7 of potty training.