Not feeding as much?

Over the last few days my 5week old baby has gone from inhaling bottles, to being a bit fussy and not really finishing them. We were on 120ml (4oz) every 3 hours with the occasional 150ml (5oz) here and there, but now sometimes we are only finishing 90/100ml with no interest in a top up feed before the next one is due. This has only been for the last few days, so I’m not sure if this it part of the dreaded 6 week regression, or if it’s just normal for them to go through ups and downs with milk amounts? I did see a post on this the other day, but can’t find it again so I’m sorry if anyone is repeating themselves!
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My baby was exactly the same at this stage! Don’t worry, she became starving Marvin bang on 6 weeks and was easily polishing off 5oz each feed. I think it’s just them preparing their bodies for the 6 week growth spurt, but if you’re worried, please speak to a health professional! ❤️

@Lucy So stressful isn’t it, doctors are like ‘give it some more time’ but when it’s not normal then you panic!

@Scarlet 🤍 it is difficult as your mind is in overdrive, the lack of sleep definitely doesn’t help 😅 please don’t worry about the 6 week growth spurt either, I had images of my baby being up all night/restless and she ended up sleeping more as she was having such big feeds. You’ve got this! 💪🏼❤️

Ours has done exactly the same thing and I nearly put a post in here yesterday to ask if anyone else had the same 😂. I've ended up taking his day feeds down to 90ml as we're combi feeding and he just isn't finishing the 120ml bottles anymore 🙃

My girl is 6 weeks tomorrow and recently she has been the same and very fussy at night x

6weeks on Saturday hes being the same, especially at night. Used to scream and route every 2hours and now he just about seems interested and then seems bored after 2-3oz. He still finishes the bottle but its a task! Hes currently having 4/5oz every 3/3.5 hours. I do find that when hes fussy i stop and burp him and he usually takes the bottle happily again. Hope this helps!

My 5 week old exactly the same he gets to the last ounce maybe less and pulls away as if he can’t breathe but is still looking for it!?

I’m so stressed about this at the moment so it’s good to know other people are going through something similar! I was convinced a regression would mean eating more, but maybe eating less is a thing?!

@Scarlet 🤍 must be normal as they’re the same age but can’t say i remember my daughter doing this but it was 4 years ago😂🫠

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