I think Bobbie is a great option. We use Kabrita (also goat milk). Kendamil is another good one but always seems to be out of stock and a good American made one is ByHeart.
Kendamil, it’s under strict eu guidelines so doesn’t contain any extras or nasties x
Kendamill ♥️
Going for Kendamil this time! Xx
We used Kendamil Organic but I don't think you can go wrong with any organic formula, especially EU ones where the standards are higher. We considered Bobbie as well but chose Kendamil because it was sold in more places than Bobbie was at the time. We never had issues with out of stocks but always made sure to have 1-2 backup cans, just in case!
We used kendamil with our son, and it was amazing. We used kabrita for a short period when we couldn’t find the kendamil.
I’ve always used the orange similac 360 total care and it’s worked the best for my colicy baby
I’ve been using Similac neosure as per what the NICU advised since the girls were born at 32w4d
Gerber gentle pro! Best thing ever for my son
Kendamil organic