@zydrune but what if I need them for February 😭 is there not someone I can contact?
Try contact on this number 0300 123 4097 and you will get corrected answer.
You'll be very lucky if they allow you to apply after the deadline, you'll more than likely have to wait now until April, unfortunately 😕
Hi! Nursery manager who deals with funding here. Unfortunately if you’ve missed the December 31st deadline it is very unlikely you will be able to claim until April 2025 now. I would suggest applying end of feb, early March to ensure you are all ready to go :)
If you’re back to work on paper in Jan the 31 days is from that date not the Feb. Just keep that in mind. I went back on paper Dec but don’t return till Feb cos of AL
My little one was eligible in September and so I changed my return to work date etc to fit in with it as money was tight and I also got confused with the 31 days thing and although I'd started the application it didn't let me fully complete it, although it appeared as pending on the system, so I thought it was done and he never got his funding til January. I rang and asked and they said they canf change the codes, only way to do it is pay and then try and claim the compensation but they only pay the compensation back if you can prove it was their fault and not just your misunderstanding... 😔 such a confusing system! It's almost like they don't really want you to have the funding so make it difficult to access
It’s so annoying! I rung them and they said there was basically a 2 week period in which I could have applied, got my code and not missed the deadline. So confusing!
Hi. If you apply now. You will get funding hours in april