Returning to work… help please!

My partner works full time and his shifts are pretty set. I’m trying to work out a way that I can go back to work for the hours we need for the money etc but its impossible! We can’t afford to send baby to nursery and she would need to go for more than the 15 hours funded. We have no family/friends that can help. I honestly don’t know what to do. I’ve tried to look for work from home jobs but there doesn’t seem to be much around. Is anyone else in this situation or have any advice because i’m really stressed now!
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Hospital or Walmart is the only options that I know you can find opposite shifts from your partner. I’d just see if he can get it shifted a little bit if possible

My partner is also like this, but he spoke to his work and gets Mondays off every week and has the kids whilst I work, my mum has them on the Tuesdays, I only work part time but my daughter also goes to nursery with her funded hours, can your partner speak to his work to see if they can help? Myself and my partner both work at the same place so they were quite understandable as wanted me to return to work :)

@Amelia they have said he can have a set day off each week but i need to return to work for more hours than that. We also don’t want to work completely opposite shifts as then we get no time together or as a family.

As well as the 15 hours funded you can use tax free childcare through the government where they pretty much pay 20% of your childcare bill each month. Our nursery have been pretty flexible where we can select which days we need each week, minus the funded hours/tax free childcare and pay the difference. For our eldest we were paying around £250 a month for 2 days a week childcare after the deductions, it used be a lot more before the funding came in, more £500-£600 per month x

Do you receive universal credit? They will pay up to 85% of your childcare

Could you do condensed hours? Some of my friends went back to work 4 days a week but they do 10 hour shifts instead of 8 hours over 5 days.

@Lauren this is what i do, works so much better x

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