Ah ok so I should really be waking up and pumping? I’m not sure if I’m eating enough, I eat plenty but not sure how much I’m just worried if I start to pump at night she will then wake up as I’m pumping and then there will be nothing there as I’ve just pumped
I would just let my body adjust to the needs of baby. If you’re struggling with engorgement, you could just hand express to relieve the pressure or use a Hakka or manual pump just to take the edge off.
I have been reading that you should let your body adjust as you would just be producing milk when it’s not needed so you would just be going around in circles. I just don’t want to loose any of my supply for her
No as your milk supply will adjust to her needs, same way if she needs more she will just clusterfeed to up your supply again x
Ok thank you so much x
This was my schedule. Going more than 4 hours without removing milk could affect your supply. It did for me but I also wasn't eating enough.