If your breastmilk supply is fine I would not recommended combi feeding just for sleep.
As said above, a myth! I’ve read plenty of stories about it doing nothing except constipating and upsetting babies belly. Not helping with sleep etc. as I was going to do this aswell but decided not too. I think baby thrives off of last feed of nursing and settles them to sleep better. Also baby still needs to be burped regardless of BM or formula x
what could work instead - pumped milk but making sure to be more hindmilk (more fatty milk) rather than the foremilk which is less caloric. It sometimes works on my LO. Also, he normally dream feed during at night so no way to burp him, I feed him and he is back to his cot still half asleep. I tried burping in the past without success and was just waking him up too much. He doesn’t spit up or anything
Unfortunately it is a myth and it doesn’t make a difference to sleep! But I have introduced a formula bottle before bed so my partner can do some feeding and also it can be there as back up so I can go out occasionally without baby! I use kendamil which my boy has taken well to :)
I combi fed from the beginning, I used Kendmil ready milk. My Lo has taken well to it. I had looked at recommendations before and this one was the favourite.
I tried this but sleep did not improve so I have gone back to EBF
You could express milk for this feed and it will allow you to know exactly how much your little one is taking before going down. I have moved from EBF to combi feeding to give my body a rest and let my husband help with feeds. It is a very slow process in order to let your body adjust to the change in supply
Do it. My baby sleeps a bit longer/is more settled most times after having formula. Definitely try it. I combi fed a lot to give me a break when she was feeding very regularly and it always kept her fuller
I'm combi feeding and my baby sleeps from 10pm till 4am last feed around 9 pm....
Not bothered doing this myself as I was told it’s a myth. My sis in law tried it with my nephew and it made no difference.