Yes arrange for it to be checked at your labour if possible as it's a quick swab
I’m in the same boat as you, 29 weeks and tested positive for it over Christmas. My sister had it when she gave birth to my nephew but she hadn’t been given the antibiotics in time (she didn’t know she had it, this was 8 years ago - no one had informed her she’d tested positive so didn’t know to push for antibiotics, it seems we are informed now!) so he ended up being poorly for a while but is a healthy 8 year old now. If you go to hospital the first signs of labour and make sure you get the antibiotics/IV then the risk is very low. Even though I know all this and was fine when they told me because I knew the case of what to do, I also stupidly googled it yesterday and sent myself into panic - I think it’s natural for us to think of worst case scenarios. But I keep telling myself to just look on the plus side and be grateful that I’m aware I have it and know I need to head to hospital asap to have the IV during labour and things will be ok xxx
I had strep b in my 1st pregnancy as soon as I went into labour (my waters broke at home) I called up and they told me to come straight to the hospital we started antibiotics a little while after I got there and my son was born super fast I only had enough time for one lot of antibiotics but he was absolutely fine and never had any issues from it 😊
Like Saff said it’s transient so can come and go, antibiotics during labour are precaution so baby doesn’t catch it during delivery and become unwell, it’s quite common x