I got 139 (my dr office uses 135 as cut off) so i had to take the 3 hr even though i didnt want to bc i knew it would be fine and all my levels were more than fine. There is no need at all for you to go through the 3 hr one.
Thank you both for putting me at ease 😅 @Isabel @Qendresa
My level was 135 on the one hour which is the cutoff for my doctor’s office. Bit of a saga with the 3 hour one as the fasting and one hour samples were untestable for some reason? No idea what happened. My 2 hour and 3 hour samples were perfectly normal. They had me do a regular fasting glucose test as well and it was normal - no GD.
My office uses the 135 cutoff. I hit 136 so required to do next test. I hate the glucose drink so I’m just doing diabetes strips for a week instead.
@GMF good news! sorry you had to do the 3 hr test.
@Morgan ooh i didn’t know that was an option - good luck! i wonder why offices use different cutoffs.
@Heather I didn’t realize different offices use different cutoffs either. I did notice with my 1 hour results there was a note that said levels under 140 capture 80% of cases and levels under 130 capture 90% of cases. So it may just be that different providers are more conservative/cautious. Or I wonder if they use a lower cutoff if a patient has any risk factors? I’m old lol so that would explain it for me
Failed the 1 hr, passed the 3 hr but at 28 week MFM follow-up appointment (we are high risk + IVF) baby girl had grown quite a bit in a months time (we have tracked perfectly to date up to 28 weeks) so had to do test strips for 2 weeks, officially diagnosed with GD as of yesterday, started Metformin last night. My OB office wasn’t convinced but we went with doing the strips and I’m glad we did so we are at least in the know and can treat accordingly. Best of luck!
I got 144 on the first screening and then passed all 4 blood draws on the 3hr. I think it had to be related to the breakfast I ate the morning of the first screening since the 3hr is a fasting test. Don't stress about it!