@Lyrica I think that’s what I had but I can’t remember anymore 😭 I was also told they’re better cold rather than room temp so hoping regardless of what they have it’s cold 🤞🏼
I just did mine today and had the lime flavor. tastes just like a flat sprite/7up & it was cold. flavor was super mild. tasted more like sugar water than anything
I had orange and tasted like super sugary orange Gatorade. Just a heads up though the glucose test made me feel like crap light headed and jittery all day after.
Ive always been given the lemon lime flavor
I don't remember flavors, but I've never thought the taste is as horrid as it's made out to be. I don't normally drink a lot of sodas or sugary drinks either.
I had my test today and had fruit punch. Not bad at all!
I was only offered a lemon lime one - and it wasn’t nasty it tasted like flat Sprite. I just kept tasting it for a week straight 🤣
I was only offered the orange and do mine in two weeks so hoping orange is good 😅