Baby won't take bottle

I EBF my 11 week old. I started trying to give him a bottle of breast milk at 6 weeks, and have tried a few times a week since. He will not latch a bottle. He pushes the nipple around his mouth and kind of plays with it and seems happy with the amount of milk that drips out of it. He does the same with a pacifier, he will not latch but as long as I hold it in his mouth he's content playing with it. I've tried several bottles and preemie/level 0 flow nipples and he's just not interested. Any mama's been through something similar? He starts daycare in 3 weeks.
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This is definitely not what you want to hear but my daughter stopped taking a bottle at the same time because I learned at 2 months old they unlock a new ability to decide whether or not they want to suck. She never took a bottle again no matter what I did. Tried everything. All different milks (frozen/warm/cold/fresh) she is now 18 months old and still very attached

Everyone suggested to me when I posted about this that I should leave the house for a day and see if she will take a bottle because she gets so hungry and we tried that and she just let herself starve and wouldn’t eat so it didn’t work but lots of other people said it worked for them. Daycare will definitely make things different for you though because that’ll be consistently no choice for your baby and might force them to take a bottle

Hmm I’m breastfeeding my 9 day old girl and have to go back to work at 14 weeks…my man will be watching her and feeding her while I work…perhaps I should attempt bottle feeding before the 8 weeks when I wanted to start!

@Steph sorry I don’t have any advice but I hope you find a solution!

@Jessica yes! You need to give her at least one bottle a day. Do not skip days. I only skipped 3 days when she stopped taking a bottle

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