If it’s a really inconvenient time for you to get pregnant probably get the morning after pill (unless this happened a while ago) x
If I didn't want to get pregnant I'd have gone the pharmacy the following day and got the morning after pill regardless of what my ovulation was
Morning after pill doesn't work if you've already ovulated, it delays ovulation
I would have taken a plan B
Morning after won’t work after you’ve ovulated so if you were peak then I’d be testing in a few weeks then going with termination if you don’t feel ready for another baby. I learnt this the hard way with my 1st, thought I’d be safe as I took plan b but fell pregnant still. Condoms shouldn’t just come off the size was obviously too small or too big.
Did you get pregnant ? I’m on the same boat right now 😭
@Irma I did and unfortunately had to abort, I wasn't in a place mentally to raise two children just yet. Hope you're okay, it was such a stressful time x
Oh man, thank you for ur reply, I hope you are doing good as well! :)
Peak ovulation*