I went to mexico in my early stage of pregnancy and didnt think twice about it until someone mentioned zika virus to me and i remembered being eaten alive by mosquitoes over there. It was weeks later and too late for testing. I was super stressed out about it but everything was fine in the 20 week scan and i have a healthy 6 months old now. If you didnt get ill, it should be fine. So many women dont know theyre pregnant until later and do all sort of things and baby comes out healthy.
Lovely reassuring messages. Thank-you. Fingers crossed for the 20 week scan. X
I asked my midwife to test me for toxoplasmosis at my 8 weeks appointment because I have a cat. She just take the blood test and ran toxoplasmosis test as well. As she told me is not common to do this test in uk, but you can request it.
I was going to say speak to your GP and they can put your mind at rest, I guess not! If you haven’t been ill then there’s nothing for baby to get ill from, it’s surviving on what you’ve consumed, so I’m sure baby will be fine if it’s been some weeks now. Your 20 week scan should put your mind at rest, they check every inch of the baby at the scan. If you’re still feeling anxious, ask your midwife to refer you to a consultant. Anyone high risk gets put under consultant care and they have an established route to refer people.