You are definitely not the only one! My eldest had milk at night until he was 4, he just wouldn't stop screaming until he got his milk (in a bottle) 🙈 I don't really see what the problem is, my boy is now 10 as never had any problems because of it (like bad teeth). But my baby stopped taking milk at night before he turned two. Kids are different, I wouldn't worry. Milk is good for them at this age ☺️
mine is two and a half snd still has milk, i have no intention in stopping it comforts him
Thanks ladies. I think I have the tendency to over think these things... Guess I was worried that if I keep giving him a bottle of milk in the middle of the night that it might create some kind of dependency and he might think that he can't go to sleep without it and it then the longer I keep the habbit going the harder it will become to drop it...
My little girl still asks for boob in the night atleast 3 times😭