@Megan stop i feel awful!! she’s been so unsettled and i didn’t even know 🥹
How old is baby? My babies mouth is starting to look similar!
@Vivian she’s 3 months & 1 week xx
@Cody honestly don’t feel bad! I remember with my first I couldn’t see a single thing and then a few days later, they were ready to cut through the gum. It happened so quickly! It really is a process of elimination and the only way to they can communicate is by crying so please don’t blame yourself. I highly recommend anbesol teething gel, worked amazingly with my little girl and you can also get a liquid for when they’re a wee bit older too. Don’t worry 🥰
@Megan thank you so much! so would you definitely say she’s teething? isnt she too young 🥹 also do you have any teething toys you’d recommend xx
She’s got the indents on where teeth go!!!!! I for sure would say she’s teething
@Huney. ahh oh god!!! just ordered her some toys and a teething glove 🥹
Are you on about the white dot? That’s either an Epstein pearl or the start of thrush.
@Cody I’d say it definitely looks like it! I’d recommend matchstick monkey, RaZ-berry teether and there’s a munchkin teether that you can freeze, it’s blue and in the shape of a foot 😂 but my little girl loved it and the coldness definitely helped soothe her gums x
@Cody good news is, your baby has gone through the hard part which is wait, the teeth i definitely say are near the surface. My baby loves the banana nubby toothbrush toy to chew on and frozen strawberries. I also use baby oragel the daytime version throughout the day and I swear by it.
If you mean the white dot possibly an Epstein pearl. Usually, but not always, the bottom 2 middle teeth some through, and then the top middle. This looks like it’s off to the side
I’ve been using teething gel, bonjelq and also a teething liquid, which seems far more effective in a shorter time
It looks like an epstein pearl
@Cody ah I see the 2 white lines now! Teeth look like they should cut through in the next couple of weeks
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@Tara not that xx
@Neha thank you! xx
Looks like it! If you take a glass and put it to her gums and press down gently you will see if it’s teeth coming though. You can kind of see the white little slits where they’ll cut through though!