She doesn’t need to wean to sleep. It’s not that fast of a switch anyway, meaning weaning needs to be slow and gentle to achieve what you’re asking for. Leave the house one night and have dad try. They need to find a method that works for her like they would with any other toddler. It’ll be traumatic for her to be weaned by the end of January. She isn’t ready
@Monét I was afraid of that😭 I know I’m being selfish here but I’ve stayed home for 2 years now and I want to go to school sooooo bad and I won’t have another opportunity for a few years. I never wanted to EBF but she stopped taking a bottle at 2 months old
She’ll adjust! Trust me. It’ll be hard for her at first, but not that hard. Don’t ask, don’t refuse. But also, she will be ok without you. I stayed home for almost 3 and breastfed the whole way and then went back to school. It’ll feel so good. The guilt will just float away~~~ lol
Oh also to add she does not take a bottle or a pacifier