Breast milk to formula?

Anyone have any experience with switching baby from breast milk to formula? My lo is 6 weeks old & has been screaming nonstop for a week now… Rarely sleeps due to the hollering… His pediatrician said “its normal, he will grow out of it” but he is full on dry heaving with tears all down his face. Took him to the chiropractor & no improvement. Nobody will test him for a milk allergy so I’m thinking about switching him to Nutramigen. Any thoughts?
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I had to do the same with my girl around 8 weeks old. She didn’t even really cry from the pain/allergy, but she did vomit a lot and eventually had blood in her stool. She was on alimentum and did very well with it. Now thriving at almost 20 months old❤️

I literally went through this same thing. Except my baby is now 6 months old. She had awful gas, didn’t take the bottle well, cried ALL DAY and NIGHT. She had a head tilt due to her pain and went also went to chiropractor.All the drs and even lactation told me the same thing to just be patient. Let me tell you switching her was the best thing I could have done for her. we switched about a week ago and totally different baby. She’s so happy. She’s now on Nutramigen hypoallergenic.

@Valerie did you slowly introduce the formula to her? Or just an immediate switch?

@Brittani this makes me feel so good! Did you slowly switch or just immediately cut out breastmilk?

I did a cold turkey switch to Nutramigen. Big difference

Switched her right over and we noticed an improvement after the first bottle!

@Brittani oh wow!! Thank you!!

You’re welcome! Hope this helps your little man!

I was already supplementing with formula due to a low supply so we just cold turkey switched. She responded great!

We do occasional bottles of formula on days where she seems fussy or isn't interested in latching often/long enough to gain weight (she's 3rd percentile). I highly recommend the Kendamil GOAT formula. She has no problem switching back and forth and actually seems to tolerate it better than my own milk. No gas pains or pooping discomfort at all. Nutramigen hypoallergenic contains soy, palm oil, and tons of corn (in multiple forms as well). I'm very much not a fan of that, and it's more expensive too. The Kendamil Goat is about $25 cheaper, with an extra oz of powder than the largest tub of nutramigen, and contains none of that garbage.

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