@Andrea I’m so scared that I’m going to over feed him! It’s almost like he’s cluster feeding. And thank you ☺️
I think my little guy is cluster feeding.. also sleeping a lot.. it think There’s a growth spurt. He’s 3 months. What a Cutie pie 🥰
We're breastfeeding, but still eating every 1-2 hours and he's 2 months old. To be fair he's a Big boy (over 14lbs already) but I can't really go anywhere. He's always hungry! I usually get 1 good 3-4 hour stretch at night, but thats it.
@Dusti I feel like that as well. I don't get how they are able to still be hungry but our pediatrician said it's not possible at this age to overfeed. My daughter is 2 months old.
@Dusti it's very hard to overfeed a baby! If they don't want the milk, they will simply turn away from breast/bottle. Every 2 hours or so is normal for a breastfed baby. Formula fed is around every 4 hours. Sounds like your cutie is cluster feeding and is going through a growth spurt. If he's spitting up a lot, I would recommend for you to burp him every 2 or so, this has been helping my son.
@Erin thank you, he will be three months on the 16th. He was also born 6 weeks early. I definitely think he’s going to be going through a growth spurt, the only difference is he is fighting sleep most night right now
They go through SO many growth spurts, I wonder if that is part of it. My son finally just chilled out after his last growth spurt. He also likes to act hungry when he really had reflux and needs some upright time lol. It’s been a major learning adventure
@Rachael my son also has reflux. He’s on medicine for it. When we were first fighting that it was like he would take his bottle, spit majority of it up and then like 10 minutes later he was acting like he was starving. I felt so bad for him
Your lucky u get 2-3 hours mind takes 4 oz every 1 1/2 hours 2 if I’m lucky 🫠
I'm breast feeding my daughter and she does the same! I feel like she's constantly being fed and yet she acts like it's the first time! Lol such a cute pic!!