I'd ask your doctor but I'm about 8 weeks pregnant and I have a 5 month old. It will be my 4th csection in August and the doctor wasn't concerned in my case. Granted everyone is different
I’m 6 weeks pregnant just now and have a 16 month old son. I had a “natural” birth. I won’t lie, if I knew how hard pregnancy was going to be with a child this young I wouldn’t have done it. It’s brutal. They actually recommend waiting 2 years to fall pregnant again to allow your body to heal.
Ideally, you should wait a year minimum before getting pregnant so that your body can heal, though many people have gotten pregnant within a few months of having c section. Some people are told to wait 18-24 months depending on their individual circumstances. Personally I would ask a midwife about the risks, if planning to having vbac or another c section. I had 3 sections approx 4 years apart and I'm grateful that the long gap helped make the recovery better and as I didn't have a village or support that was easier for me to manage. If I had the support I would've wanted to have kids closer together in age.