How to stay positive

Those of you that still have littles who don’t sleep through, how are you staying positive and surviving? 20months on and I sometimes feel like it’s a reflection of my parenting or something I’m doing wrong. I know the broken sleep is taking its toll and just making me question things but how do you mammas stay positive or what do you do when you feel a bit broken! 🙏🏼
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I feel you! We are in the exact same boat. She hasnt been well over Christmas and her sleep has been attrocious but we've also not had a decent night since before September! I lean on my partner alot. We are a real team. We are both near burn out just now. I've only let little one stay away once before but starting tonight my parents are going to take her once a month to give us a well needed break. Do you have a similar support system that could help? With the questioning myself, I do it all the time. I think we haven't helped ourselves as we reacted so quickly to sounds when she was sleeping when she was really little, but we were new parents and just worried. I just keep trying to tell myself it won't be forever. Enjoy her in the daytime and try really hard to forget about the nights! It's easy to say that though and different actually doing though. Hang in there. Also feel free to reach out. We can chat about our little ones! Or not!

Hey! So sorry to heard that you are going through. I decided to sleep train my baby at 5 months, since then we had lots of ups and downs but overall a good sleep. Since it changed my life I decided to get certified as sleep trainer and I am about to become one in April! Send me a messages if you think I could help.. it’s all about a good Sleep higiene, how you response to the awakening.. and methodology! Once they learn to link cycles it’s al good to go! I wish you all a better sleep!!

Hiya. I can really identify with this. Ours doesn’t sleep through either. In fact he’s slept through 4 times since he was born. Once was last week and the next night he woke up 12+ times. I can genuinely say the only thing that’s helped me is reminding myself I’ve survived this far and it won’t be forever (I hope). Really do empathise and I’m sorry you’re in the same boat!

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