Glad I'm not the only one! Even sitting down is uncomfortable and it just makes it even more tiring. I suspected I'd be having a big baby (my husband is 6 ft 9 and we're both leggy) but even so this is crazy!
@Kate I feel you girly, my baby dad is 6ft3 😭😭 I’m a short woman but at my last appointment she told me he was extremely strong for his size so I think I’m FOOKED 😭😭 I can only lie down with the pillow between my legs at this stage and my bump is huge already
That happened to me around 23 weeks then it got a bit better for a bit and then around 30ish weeks it just got very very heavy and lots of pressure again
@Robyn oh bless you! I'm 5 ft 8 so not short but still worrying about how I'm going to push this baby out 🤣 yeah I've got a big bump (I think) and am only really comfortable lying down 😭😭
I’m barely showing but the abdominal weight is just soo uncomfortable 🥴
@Kimmylou woo due date twins 🤣 i was worried it would get worse as I went on! This is my first and I've been suffering with severe aches and PGP as I've got a tilted uterus - it got better for about a week and then since I've started to feel him kick which was boxing day I've just felt constant weight and pressure 🙃 just not having a great time 😅
I’m only 20+2 and feel like this, I think I’ve got a pretty big bump already and it feels really heavy, dreading how big I’m going to get! Both me and my husband were big babies so I think I’m doomed to have a big one 😂
@Alice oh bless you! I was on the larger size of average and my husband was a very big baby at 3 months so I can only imagine how he was when he was born! I've had a noticeable bump since about 18 weeks so I've been convinced I will be a globe by the time I'm due to deliver! 🤣
Have you tried sitting on a yoga/exercise ball and doing circular movements with your hips whilst on the ball? It might help to move baby into a different position and relieve some of the pressure. This baby is my second pregnancy, I had my first in 2023 and found the ball really helped with getting baby to shift around into a more comfortable position.
@Amy no but I have thought about getting a ball, but wasn't sure if it was too early! I will give it a go, thank you!
@Alice due date twinssss 💕
So heavy, so much pressure already. Deffo don’t feel like I felt like this with my first, but I think I remember it being worse later on more than earlier 🥴
I’m 20+3 and feel like a bowling bowl especially in the evenings! My bum cheeks have been hurting like no tomorrow! I’m struggling to sleep at night which doesn’t help my insomnia because I’m so uncomfortable!
I’m 21+5 and the heaviness and pressure all hit me at once! My bump grew out of nowhere and because my boob are so big and sore I feel like I’m carrying around a full watermelon! Walking is begging so so hard (and I used to be so physically fit 😂) I’m so glad I’m not the only one! I don’t know how will get through 18 more weeks of this! Baby daddy is 6ft 3 😅 xx
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What is it about this tall men making it so difficult in pregnancy 🤣🤣
I’m 22 weeks with my 4th, this is definitely my hardest pregnancy so far and I absolutely agree with the bowling ball, I was just saying this to my partner the other day!! I’m moaning how uncomfortable I am already and I’m absolutely shattered, i still have so far to go, I prey for everyone around me the further on I am!!
Nearly 23 weeks here! I feel the exact same, and I am KNACKERED constantly 😭😭