@Amy thank you, she’s just constantly telling me how to raise my son so I question EVERYTHING she tells me because it’s getting annoying
The way we trained our autistic son was to place him on the potty every hour and put him in pants so basically catching it. The other way seems like there will be a few more accidents on furniture ect!
Ive seen some pants made for potty training that hold in all the wee and poo but they can still feel the wetness so it’s uncomfortable which im planning on using obviously still changing them everytime they have an accident but that way they learn that it’s uncomfortable/learn what it feels like when they need to go and can start telling you x
I think a lot of people do it the way your MIL suggests because they want child to independently do it themselves/want them to realise they don't have a nappy or anything on so need to use toilet/potty. Honestly, it depends on if your child can pull down or up their own underwear/pants and whether you want your child to do it independently or rely on you to be with them every time. Because if your child can pull up or pull down their own underwear/pants then you could dress them and then remind or ask them often if they need to go toilet and allow them to do it themselves (then praise etc). Or you could be taking the clothes off every time for them - which some people find in a hurry where accidents can happen.
I used the ‘oh crap potty training’ book and it was really good- basically what your mil has said, found it a great method
So the way your mil has suggested is how we have trained my eldest but that doesn’t mean what you want to do is wrong. children all learn differently. it’s ok to gi’ve advice but she can’t “tell” you what to do x
I come from an early childhood education background, and I've seen every method mentioned here and they all work for different children! I've even witnessed children in the same household prefer different ways to potty train. So if what you try doesn't work, then try something else. In saying that, though, your MIL always telling you how to raise your child sounds annoying and rude - if you haven't already, you should set some boundaries.
I personally don’t like the run around naked idea cause your child is not always gonna be naked somewhere besides home so he’s not gonna know at nanny house it’s time to pop unless he’s naked and run to it??? I training moments which is going take a few weeks/month do so I personally like ur current way and been successful myself potty training a autistic child, for him I used both a urinal and potty and rotated when letting him use the rr, so he’ll stand up to pee when he drinks something and when he sit down to poop after meal etc but do whatever you feel is best for you and that you have the capacity to always do even when you’re not at home
I done a bit of both tbh but my son was older. He was about 2. 19 months is still young
There are lots of different ways to potty train. I personally used your way with my daughter and it worked a treat. No way would I have let her run around with her nappy off to poo and wee all over my carpets, that seems crazy to me
We ended up using a mix of methods. We waited until summer and let our daughter run round outside in knickers so that when she did an accident she would feel it and associate the sensation of needing a wee/poo and the wetness to needing to run to the potty. We explained that when she felt the need to go to run to the potty and sit on it. Within a day she had cracked weeing on the potty (gave her so many drinks and ice lolly’s to help her go more) but it took about three weeks for her to “get” poos. Potty training is honestly the worst part of parenting so far (daughter is 3.5) and you just need to go with what you feel is best. Try your way and if it doesn’t work then try MiL way or just do a mix. I had so much judgement around potty training from my MIL I just stopped telling her stuff and she only found out our daughter was potty trained after!
There are lots of different ways to go about potty training. Personally I know more people who have done it the way your MIL suggested. I think you just have to do what works best for you and your son! If one way doesn’t work, you could always switch up how you do it.