Feeling a bit sad

I’m due my first baby in Feb, and as I live in the US and my mum in the UK she was going to come over for 5 weeks to help with the baby/to see him. She was here for Xmas and now says she doesn’t have enough to do and won’t stay for five weeks in Feb. I get that it’s hard for her to spend time away from her routine, but feel kind of sad/like I haven’t been a good enough daughter for her to want to stay longer! Anyway, was wondering if anyone had been in a similar situation
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I haven't been in a similar situation. My mom only lived three hours away when I had my first but she was so unhelpful. The only thing she wanted to do to "help" was hold the baby. But I am sorry you're struggling with not having your mom there with you for your first baby. That's really hard

@Rebecca my mum was exactly the same! Her 'help' was to hold baby. She came and stayed in a hotel when my hubby went back to work to help me out but basically was just her wanting to be entertained! One morning she decided to not come over until 11 because she fancied a relaxed morning, obviously not helpful in the slightest!

Ah thank you was so good to hear this. Weirdly she then changed her mind so idk what’s she’ll decide. I struggle to ask for help anyway so thought one thing to do might be to make a list of things to give to her that would be helpful!

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