NIPT testing

Hey guys, we are thinking about having private NIPT test at 10 weeks as we are a little anxious after losing our first baby. Do you think they are worth it? Also how accurate are they for confirming gender?
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They’re extremely accurate and in my opinion very worth it but I’ve been able to do it both times at my OB office. Does your OB not offer it?

Thanks for this ❤️ they do offer it at between 10-14 weeks, but we were looking at a more comprehensive test that can tell gender, any genetic issues etc

I had the NIPT test, but it was because we were at a higher risk of chromosome abnormalities after a blood test was done, so it was done on the NHS. I wouldn't have had it done otherwise. They didn't tell us the gender though.

@Rebecca oh wow? So you wouldn’t be offered it on the NHS if you weren’t having a higher risk pregnancy?

I had one at 16 weeks as I got my dates wrong for the NHS screening. We felt like it gave us a peace of mind and would do it again if we were to have a second baby. The gender was accurate for us 🩵

@Shannon you don't necessarily get it for higher risk pregnancies. I was a high risk pregnancy from the start, but I was only offered the NIPT after my quad blood tests came back as a 1:31 chance of downs, pataus and Edwards syndrome! I never had it done with my other 2 pregnancies

I had NIPT privately at 10 weeks as both my partner and myself worked in foetal healthcare and were very anxious. Paid about £220 (SE London) and results in 4 days, very happy and was worth it to ease my anxiety x

If you can afford it and it’ll settle your mind then I’d do it. They’re extremely accurate for gender also x

@Rebecca ahh ok thank you - I understand. Thank you for explaining for me ✨

It was peace of mind for me which it gave. As for the gender it’s around 99% accurate, for us we were in the 1% club of it being wrong. Told a girl from NIPT but scans showed a boy, they re did the bloods and checked again and came back boy second time. Its very rare to be wrong though x

At your 12-week scan, They give you the option of doing the NIPT test if you want it, but the only thing they don't do with that is let you know the gender so if your wanting to do the test more so to find out if baby is boy or girl and can't wait I'd say go for it. But honestly the time flys by where you get to 15-16 weeks where you can get a private scan done and it's much cheaper and a better experience 💜

I had the NIPT done privately at Ultrasound Direct. It was great. We were able to have a lovely baby scan then they did the test. Results came back in a couple of days and we felt reassured. The NHS did one afterwards but that’s only 90% accurate. If you’re thinking about it I’d highly recommend it.

I had mine done at 9 weeks. It was accurate! Xx

We did it at 10 weeks and found out the gender. I would highly recommend ❤️

I never had it done, but from my understanding, it’s only offered to pregnancies which are more likely to come back with high chances of Edward’s/downs etc. if there’s not a high risk, then obviously you know the risk of having it done. It’s fantastic to hear some happy story outcomes from this though 😊

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I had mine done at 9 weeks and it was accurate.

I paid privately to have the NIPT with both my pregnancies. It was £400 the first time and £525 the second. We are older parents so wanted the reassurance it provided. With my son in 2021 it was the Harmony test and it was wrong when it came to the gender, telling me I would have a daughter based on the results of the blood test. In 2024 I had the Prenatal Safe test, as understand a lot of practices moving away from Harmony as it does have a high error rate. The gender this time was right. The NHS will ONLY offer you NIPT if you have a high chance of abnormality which they only work out following the 12 week appt. Based on things like age, nuchal fluid at the base of the babies neck etc. So it’s not a given. It did give peace of mind regarding the bigger questions for us re the health of the babies. Was far more comprehensive than anything I got on the NHS and so was on balance worth the money.

I had my NIPT test at The Harley Street Centre For Women. They are consultant led clinic and offer two options: without a scan for £395 or with a scan £545. In my opinion it is totally worth it.

My ob gyn gave us the option and we did the test to rule out abnormalities/ autism (I think). It is well worth it and a must do I would say. I asked specifically to know the gender and they called me to talk about the results. They asked me if I wanted to know it and I said he'll yeah. Insurance covered the whole test. My family doesn't have any history or abnormalities/ but ny doc suggested it and totally told us we don't have to do it, but can to rule out anything.

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