Okay so I was having trouble so my daughter is three and I was having a little bit of some trouble and so I went and got this like potty training chart that has stickers and every time she pees I put a sticker and she’s like really feels proud and loves to get her stickers and if she does good all day, I’ll give her a sucker so she has went now five days going in the potty and at the last four weeks on the chart, I had thought of a idea of maybe taking her to do something fun and I keep encouraging her with that and also my sticker chart came with like a little diploma thing which is kind of cool too and I just do a lot of encouragement because before this, it felt unreal like I couldn’t get it done, but I also have her very own little potty because my daughter is kind of scared of the big toilet
And at night, sometimes it is a lot harder on the child because they may not be waking up when they gotta pee because their body is not letting them know really they could be in a deep sleep so I definitely would not be getting my child in trouble I would just keep the pull-ups and keep encouragement. That’s all you really can do. I would work on during the day and once you finally have that down start a lot of encouragement through the night like come on let’s see if we can do it maybe not give much to drink before bed. My daughter loves her cup, but I try to only give her one cup before bed. Some people even say that’s too much but I can’t go to sleep thirsty so I’m a little different.
We got pull up when we started the training but my mom told me to stop using them because he will rely on them. I was thinking about using them at night but she’s against it. I don’t understand what to. I trying to potty train my kid but I’m getting lectured by my mom.
Sometimes parents are old fashioned and expect too much from kids, you’re his mom and you should be making the decisions on how to raise him and how to care for his needs, not your mom. Training underwear exists for a reason. Sending you hugs ❤️
Contact his pediatrician and ask for their advice, surely your mom can’t fault you for following doctors recommendations
He does have training underwear. But he pees in them through the night. And it pisses my mom off. So like this morning I didn’t tell her that he had an accident.
Do you guys live with your mom or just visit? They have special pull-ups for bedtime I’d really just continue to use pull-ups and he’ll eventually get the hang of holding it at night but he’s still so little and potty training is still a very new skills for him
Do you use a timer by any chance? My girly has been using a timer at the beginning of her potty training journey and I think that worked great until she just kinda "felt" like she wanted to go. First we used 1 hr. Then 1hr and a half. Then 2hrs. Then after that I tried to give her more liquids and just see if she'll tell me but since I've just been reiterating it to her that if she needs to go, please walk to the bathroom bc we go pee in the toilet and I guess my girl remembered and I haven't used diapers for daytime in months!! At most I have her sit on the toilet 🚽 like 20 min, read her a story, sing a song, count numbers. Then she goes. We really only use diapers for nighttime. She doesn't use diapers for naps anymore. But you just have to stay consistent. And no offense to your mom but just step in kindly and tell her look mom, thanks, but I got it. I'm teaching and if I need your help, I will come to you. Mainly bc you don't want your mom going over your own boundaries.
@Maria I live with my mother right now because I went through a domestic abuse. And she saved me and my two kids.
Try bribing him to go before bed, cut out liquids an hour or so before bed, try using pull ups for bed until he stays dry or put a potty in his room so he doesn’t have to go far at night
@Qwynn see my mom got me a little potty for him he only used it for 4 days and wants him to stop using it…I have it my room but she yells at me and him for letting him use it. To this point my mom is confusing me and my son. I’m trying to find a job and get my own place before my daughter starts potty training. Because I can’t do this anymore. My mom is too hard on my kids.
It's 100% developmentally appropriate for a child that age not to be able to stay dry at night. It's a hormonal thing, as well as the brain developing the ability to communicate with the bladder during sleep. My 3 year old has been trained since early last year and wears Pullups at night. My advice to you would be to be very careful how much water/ juice he drinks before bed. I know when I'm not watching that My son will even soak through his Pullup.
I wouldn’t let her spank him for having an accident, he’s still young and it sounds like you just started potty training so it’s understandable that he’s not staying dry throughout the night yet. I’d have him keep wearing diapers for bedtime only, my daughter has been potty trained for about a year now and she still occasionally has accidents while she’s asleep. Making him sit on the potty for hours is definitely not healthy for his development and him feeling comfortable going potty and him being spanked for accidents is just going to make him scared to go potty possibly leading to him holding everything in and getting infections. It sounds like you’re doing great and he’s picking it up well! Bedtime can be tough because we’re asleep and kiddos don’t wake up from those impulses as easily as older kids and adults do. I’d have him wear pull ups during bedtime and limit water intake for an hour before bedtime but definitely don’t let your mom spank him or force him to sit on the potty