That’s a strong line, you also have digital to confirm 🙌 I couldn’t believe my eyes either when I got a positive 😂 congrats 🥳
I worry worried you got a positive result and a digital one which needs more hcg to get the digital. Congratulations
You can break open the digital to see the lines too on that
@Melissa Dawson was your symptoms stronger with pregnancy with twins?
@Ann marie yeah while I had both of them…my morning sickness was so bad..I lost one of them in the first trimester however the one that was viable is now 7m old and 23lbs 28 1/2 in long ☺️
My nausea has been so bad for 2 weeks now, hope I’m not having twins if faint 😂
that’s definitely positive babe. congratulations!! 🎉💞