I got the small potties and put her on 10/15 min after meal . Started off pulling her pants and pull-ups down for her . Then I kept her butt out . Then she started saying she had to go so I taught her to pull her pants and pull up down on her own but then her dad came home from being away and she was miraculously potty trained she pulls down her pants and potties when needs to and wipes her butt
@Sam 😮💨😮💨 every 15 minutes girl you have patience
@Tiny honestly, i don’t lmao. It only took 2 days for her to start doing it when I told her instead of having to get up and sit her on it. I also put her potty wherever we were. Living room, bathroom, bedroom etc. let her get the hang of using the potty and then I’ll show her to do it in the bathroom
@Zoe rn my kids can sometimes correctly identify if they’ve pooped or peed so that’s a start. I’ll definitely do 15 minutes after a meal. What about mornings? Do I put them on the potty immediately after they wake up?
@Tiny yessss as soon as they get up .
I got one of those little potties (instead of of the one that goes over the toilet seat) and I set a timer for every 15 minutes and would make her sit on the potty for about 5 minutes and when she got up, I’d start the 15 minutes again. And bribery! lol she loves candy so every time she went pee I’d give her 1 m&m and 2 for poop. I started this like 2 weeks ago and now whenever she has to go she’ll just go sit down and go.