My oldest had just turned 1 when we found out I was pregnant with our 2nd. Just stay in tune with your body, and it will tell you if it's too much. Also, if you could have him stand on something before you pick him up so you're not having to bend over so much, it'll help in the long run
My son is 2 and still wants to be carried at times.
My 20 month old is 2.5stone and he definitely wants to be picked up a lot. I’m 26 weeks pregnant and knackered but unborn babies are very resilient!
You should be fine but ask you OB to be sure. I carried my 2 year old throughout my entire pregnancy.
Aw congrats girl! I’m also pregnant with second in my second trimester with a 10 month old boy wonder about this! Thanks for asking. I’m also originally from the Chicago area too lol lots in common!
Omg too funny! Love it!!
Yes I carried my toddler up until the day I gave birth to my second. Your body will tell you if you're straining or hurting yourself. Your little baby still needs you
I’m 18 weeks and have. A 17month old he can walk so I get him to walk upstairs but I carry him down stairs unless his dad isn’t at work then I get him to do it , but I can’t just stop picking him up , I do tend to sit on the floor a lot more to have cuddles with him but I don’t want to just stop holding him as he’s still a baby really and would be unfair to him x
I'm 30 weeks, LG is 1yr old. I'm still carrying her. X