Keppra & pregnancy

Has anyone on here taken Levetiracetam (Keppra) throughout their pregnancy and baby has been born healthy? I’ve just found out I’m pregnant and now take GP prescribed folic acid but I’m nervous for baby. Any help / advice would be amazing.
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Hi :) my little boy is just over two years old and I continued my keppra twice a day through out the whole pregnancy and Breast feeding with no problems at all. My neurologist and neurosurgeon both reassured me there would be no harmful side effects to my baby and they were thankfully correct. Xx

Yes. I was on 3000mg first pregnancy. Be mindful keppra is known to increase likelihood of pregnancy anemia but your midwife may not know that, so you should request bloods during pregnancy but I also recommend taking Spatone daily. I didn’t know first pregnancy and became anaemic so felt like poop after giving birth and had to go back into hospital. Also had lots of auras but no seizures (but had been seizure free for 4 years). Second pregnancy, took Spatone from the start and increased my iron. No auras and also reduced my dosage to 1500mg and had a planned home birth in a pool. Both babies are fine and labours were without pain relief as you can’t have opioids and I didn’t want epidural. I did Hypnobirthing instead to stay calm and relaxed.

@Anna Thankyou for your reply. It’s very daunting. I wasn’t aware I had epilepsy until I had a seizure with my first at 26 weeks pregnant so this is all very new to me. Yeah I take 1000mg morning and night and wouldn’t ever want to risk coming off the medication. My neuroglidt did assure me that Keppra is deemed safest for pregnancy but this was 3 years ago! I’ve been discharged from Neuro so hopefully when I have my booking appointment they will refer etc!

@Sarah Thankyou for replying. What’s Spatone? I wasn’t aware it can increase chances of anemia. I’ve only ever had one seizure in 2017 which is when I was pregnant. So I’m praying now that I’m on AED meds that I won’t have one this time round!

Hi, I’ve had both my children whilst on Keppra and expressed with both. It is one of the safest meds whilst pregnant (from what I know) - both my babies are perfect and didn’t effect my pregnancy xx

Thankyou all so much ❤️

Spatone is an iron supplement drink you can buy on Amazon. Take two sachets a day when pregnant on an empty stomach 30+ mins before a meal. It’s more gentle than iron tablets and although you may need to poop a little more it’s less likely to give you horrendous cramps and constipation.

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